past event
Structured products on Arta and building custom strategies
Dec 16, 2024, Mon | 10am UTC
past event
Structured products on Arta and building custom strategies
Dec 16, 2024, Mon | 10am UTC
About this session
Note: you must onboard as an Arta member and complete accredited investor status verification in order to access this event - complete accreditation here
We’ll also share insights into how Arta delivers a regular deal flow aligned with market conditions, ensuring you have access to opportunities that meet your goals. The evening concludes with an interactive workshop led by Yekaterina Alferova, Senior Derivatives Structurer, and Kate Huang, Head of Engineering, where you can collaborate on your ideas and explore personalized strategies.
This relaxed, no-pressure event where you’ll gain direct insights into Arta’s expertise.
What to expect:
How Arta does structured products differently: accessible and tailored to market conditions
Exclusive product preview: Arta’s new custom structuring tool for bespoke structured products
Structuring workshop: Bring your ideas or investment convictions to the table, and collaborate with our experts to build and discuss bespoke solutions.
Wine and light bites
This is your opportunity to geek out with the experts, explore new possibilities, and connect with other members who share your vision for smarter, more personalized investing.
We look forward to seeing you there!
*By proceeding, you confirm that you are an accredited investor and agree to Arta’s marketing consent disclosures.
Yekaterina Alferova
Derivatives at Arta
Kate Huang
Engineer at Arta
DISCLOSURE: The investments discussed herein may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives as well as financial and tax position. Investors should independently evaluate each investment discussed in the context of their own objectives, risk profile and circumstances before deciding to invest with Arta Finance. There is no guarantee that the strategies and services offered by Arta Finance will be successful or outperform other strategies and services. Investors should seek the advice of a tax professional before making any investment. All opinions expressed herein constitute the author or quoted individual(s)’s judgment as of the date of this document and are subject to change without notice. Registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a registered investment adviser does not imply a certain level of skill or training.
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